Prime Minister Narendra Modi's biopic PM Narendra Modi's trailer release. Vivek Oberoi in the film is in the role of Prime Minister Modi. Their look posters in PM's Gate up are already viral.
After the Accidental Prime Minister and Thackeray, the movie is ready for another big politician's life. The trailer of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's biopic film 'PM Narendra Modi' has been released. In the film, Vivek Oberoi is in the role of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Their look posters in PM's Gateup are already viral. In the minute trailer, PM Modi's Life Journey has been shown. View trailer ...
— Vivek Anand Oberoi (@vivekoberoi) March 20, 2019
PM Narendra Modi's biopic film has been shot in the start-to-finish mode. The shooting of 'PM Narendra Modi' was started at the end of January. In just 38 days, the film is ready for release. Fans are desperate to know every aspect of the country's popular leader and Prime Minister Modi's life. There is a lot of pressure on the social media about the film.