Actress Madhuri Dixit's upcoming movie Blur will be released next month. Except for the film, the actress is in the limelight because of her good work. Actually, Madhuri Dixit and her husband Shriram Nene had adopted a stomach saved by People for Ethical Treatments of India (PETA) India. Pet Dog was left desolate
Madhuri Dixit adopted this belly dog on March 17, on the birthday of his son, Arin. Madhuri Dixit shares several photos with Pet Dog on Instagram. Sharing these photos, Madhuri wrote in the caption: "The smile of our face tells us how this small belly has won our hearts. Welcome to the Carmelo Nene family. I request all animal lovers to adopt Pets and see how their life will be filled with love. "
On adopting a stomach in an interview, Madhuri said, "It is the cruelest thing to leave a doggie or cat. I am happy that we will be able to give new life to this little belly." It is not known for the first time when Madhuri and her family have adopted any Laghi. Madhuri had adopted a dog named Riya long ago, which has died.
Talking about the actress's work front, his last release was a total drama. In the movie, he was seen with Anil Kapoor for a long time. Now Madhuri Dixit's film will blur on April 17. After years of stigma, he will share the screen with Sanjay Dutt. Apart from Madhuri and Sanjay in the multi-starrer movie, Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Aditya Roy Kapoor, and Sonakshi Sinha are in lead role.