Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Job will not be given to you or your Degree, your Attitude

In India, the unemployment rate is 3%, Report of Labor and Employment says that India's highest unemployment in 2012 was 44.79 Million, which was 40.17 Million in its previous year 2011.

That is, 4.62 million unemployment increased in the same year.

1 million = 10 lacs

What is most to grow this figure? Have you ever noticed that if a person gets a job then what is seen in it?

No? So today I am going to tell you the biggest reason.

Before starting this post or before the introduction of this post, you want to give an example of a movie.

Did you watch 3 Idiots Movie?

3 Idiots movie is a character Raju Rastogi, who is a weak student in engineering who is weak and not afraid of getting a job. If you have seen a movie then you will know Raju Rastogi and Farhan Qureshi Engineering College are the last in the ranking and their friend Rancho 1st rank.

Point is that Raju Rastogi is very afraid of not getting a job in that movie. Do not touch your fingers in your hands and do not know how to get God's approval.

In the second half of the movie, Raju is attempting suicide.

When Raju gets interviewed at the end of the movie, then Raju is asked the first question, what has happened to you, have you come on a patient's bicycle like this? Any Accident?

If you listen to Raju's answer, the hosas of those who take the interview will fly away.

Raju says that I did a suicide attempt, and when asked for a reason, Raju clearly said that I had rusticate with the college because I had pasab to the door outside the director's house.

Friends, tell me if you were in the place of Raju, would you have the courage to speak the truth?

When the interviewers heard this, they had become big socks, and they told Raju that sorry we should not let you behave like us so frankly because it will not be okay to handle the clients, and this is fine for our company. No, but if you can convince us that you can control your attitude then we can give you a job.

The point here to note is that Raju responds in tears, I have found this attitude with a big mascil, I can not leave it. Keep your job. I keep my attitude, and Raju turns to go away Then the interviewers stopped him saying that we have so manyundefined Interview is for people to get a job, in the affair, yes yes, only where do you come from?

 To this day, we have not seen any such attitude, and then Raju is asked how much salary will be? And living in fear of not getting such a job, Raju gets a job.

 That is, Raju's marks were reduced even when he got a job because he had a attitude, had the courage to refuse, to speak the truth was a positive attitude, which is not in everyone.

 Friends, I can tell you that degree, marks, college for job is more important than all of these, your attitude, how do you introduce yourself, what is there in you, what is the rest of the people No, how do you answer the question? All these things are important to impress the person who is ahead, what is needed is attitude.

 And the biggest reason for having so many unemployment in India is that the people have degrees, marks are good but they do not have communication skills but they do not have the attitude, their English is weak, do not even introduce themselves undefined Now etc.

 So if you have a attitude in it, then you can do your job as a successful business.