Friday, December 21, 2018

Zero Day 1 Collections Are Out, The Numbers Are Disappointing

So, the first day collections for Zero are out, and we must say, things aren’t going too well for the film.

The film released yesterday and hit over 5000 screens across the country. And since it’s SRK, you’d expect that the halls would have complete occupancy.
Unfortunately, that was not quite the case. In the first day, Zero earned only 20.14 crores, if box office reports are to be believed. That means the film is off to a rocky start.
SRK’s brilliant acting is clearly not enough to pull the film through. Although his role as Bauaa Singh is endearing, there is not much to look forward to in the film at the end of the day.
Also, there were reports of fake reviews and online piracy doing the rounds. This could be another reason why the film performed poorly on day 1.
In fact, Thugs Of Hindostan, which is considered to be one of the worst films of the year did better than Zero with around 52 crores on the first day.

However, the weekend is not over yet. It’s Day 2 and a Saturday today. Maybe, just maybe the film will pull through. Clearly, all our eyes will be glued to the box office reports this weekend.
Box office collections for Zero on Day 1: 20.14 crores.